This year Delta Pi Chapter’s service component of Y.E. S. consists of:
International Project
Chairperson: Sheila Hatcher
Financial and programmatic assistance to Third World countries.
National Project
Chairperson: Sheila Hatcher
Support of Sickle Cell Anemia research at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN.
Regional Project/Professional Development
Chairperson: Princess Towe
Local Project
Chairperson: Annette Long
Children’s and Adults’ Benefits
Chairperson: Donna McGregor
A variety of projects that bring pleasure and enlightenment to children and adults
Senior Citizens Project
Chairperson: Gwendolyn S. Watts
Activities which enhance the lives of individuals who have reached their Golden years.
Health, Nutrition, and Hypertension
Chairperson: Cherryl Jones
A vehicle through which children, youth, and adults learn preventive health measures and viable strategies for addressing a wide variety of health issues that confront society.
Chairperson: Cherryl Jones Co-Chairperson: Gwendolyn Watts
The men in the lives of the sorors. On Aug 6, 1949, Leonard Elliott invited a group of husbands and friends of Sorors of Mu chapter to his home to attend a smoker for Emmett Burke, fiancé’ of Soror Sarah Scott. The men present indicated a great deal of interest in supporting the various activities in which Sorors were engaged. As a result, Leonard Elliott, assisted by some of the members of the group, began organizing the Club and referred themselves as Men-in-Our Lives of Mu Chapter, and in 1950 Mr. Elliott became its first President.
Founders’ Day
Chairperson: Cherryl Jones
Book Club
Chairperson: Annette W. Long